Minggu, 30 November 2014

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester genap

Cross (X) a, b, c or d as the correct answer!
This dialog is for questions 1 and 2.
Ayu     : Pass me the chili, please.
Laras   : Here you are. But don’t have too much chili in your soup.
Ayu     : No, I won’t. Thanks
1.        Where do you think the dialog occurs?
A.    In a canteen                B. In a market             C. In the kitchen               D. On the street
2.        Which of the statement is used to ask for something in the dialog?
A.    No, I won’t. Thanks                                       C. Pass me the chili, please.
B.     Here you are                                                   D. But don’t have too much chili in your soup
This dialog is for questions 3 and 4.
Mia      :   Dad, do you have some paper?
I want to print my work, but I run out of paper.
Father  :   Yes, I have.
Mia      :   May I have some, Dad?
Father  :   Sure. Please help yourself. It’s on my desk.
Mia      :   Thanks, Dad.
Father  :   Don’t mention it.
3.        Who is speaking in the dialog?   
A.  Good friends.                                                            C. A brother and a sister.
B.   A mother and a son.                                      D. A father and a daughter.
4.        Which expression is used to ask for something?
A.  Dad, do you have some paper?                     C. Please help me
B.   May I have some, Dad?                                 D. Don’t mention it.
This dialog is for questions 5 – 7.
There is a small area beside Mirna’s house. There are some kinds of flower there. Some of them are roses, orchids, jasmines, asters and sun flowers. she is always there in her spare time. She waters them twice a day. Sometimes she picks the flowers and put them in the vase of the guest room.


5.        What is Mirna’s hobby?
A.  Cleaning the flowers.                                     C. Picking the flowers
B.   Gardening.                                                     D. looking at the flowers
6.        How is the garden?         
A.  There is no flowers                                        C. she waters them
B.   there are many flowers                                  D. there is a small area
7.        What does she pick the flower for?
A.  to put them in a small area
B.   to give them to her friends
C.   to put them in the vase of the guestroom
D.  to sell them in the market
For questions 8 and 9, choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.
       Mr. Blake and his family (8) ________regular habits. Every day they (9) ________at 4:30 a.m. They have breakfast at 5:45 a.m. At 6 o’clock, Mr. Blake goes to work.
8.        A. Has                              B. Have                                    C. Is                                       D. Are
9.        A. gets up                         B. get up                                  C. getting up                          D. will get up

Good morning everybody. May I have your attention please?
Mr. Herman reminded us that we will do a science experiment in the laboratory tomorrow. Please don’t forget to bring your lab robe. By the way, you all allow what you should observe tomorrow, right? There’s time to collect the objects. Let’s prepare anything well. Thank you.

This announcement is for no. 10

10.    What is the announcement about?
A.    A laboratoty                                                   C. a science experiment
B.     an observation                                                D. an object.
This text is for questions 11 and 12.
Attention, please,
We have found a pencil box. It is made of cloth. It is blue with white stripe. If you are the owner, please contact Mr. Paedi to collect it.


11.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.       To advertise a pencil box.                             C. To look for a pencil box.
B.                 To announce a lost box.                                  D. To announce the finding of a pencil box.
12.     Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the pencil box?
A.       The pencil box is blue                                   C. The pencil box has blue stripes.
B.       The pencil box is made of cloth.                   D. The owner should contact Mr. Paedi to collect it.

The dialog is for no. 13 – 15.

Juno  : Who is the letter from?
Kana : It’s from uncle Surya in Australia.
Juno  : May I have a stamp on it?
Kana : Of course. Do you like collecting stamps?
Juno  : I do. What do you think of it?
Kana : Not bad. It is an interesting hobby.
13.   Where is uncle Surya? He is in _______.
        A.   America                       B. Rusia                         C. Canada                         D. Australia
14.   Does Juno like collecting stamps?
        A.   No he does not            B. Yes he does               C. Yes he is                        D. No he is not           
15.   What does Kana say about Juno’s hobby?
        A.   it’s an interesting hobby                               C. of course
        B.   what do you think of it?                               D. it’s from uncle Surya

This dialog is for questions no. 16-20.
Mrs. Roy         : Jack, I heard that you will join a mountain climbing activity, is it true?
Jack                 : Yes, Mom. May I?
Mrs. Roy         : No, I will not let you go.
Jack                 : But, why?
Mrs. Roy         : You know, it is rainy season. It’s very dangerous.
Jack                 : O… come on. You don’t need to worry, Mom. I will be careful.
Mrs. Roy         : I know. But I’m sorry, I can’t let you go.
16.  Who is talking in the dialog?
A.    Mrs. And Mr. Roy                                         C. Mrs. Roy and her friend
B.     Mrs. Roy and his son                                     D. Mrs. Roy and her husband
17.  What does Jack want to do?
A.    He wants to play at the mountain                  C. he wants to camp at the mountain
B.     He wants to hike the mountain                      D. he wants to fish at the mountain
18.  Why does Mrs. Roy not let Jack go?
A.    Because it’s dangerous                                  C. Because Jack is busy
B.     Because she wants to join climbing               D. Because the activity is expensive
19.  Mrs. Roy said “Jack, I heard you will join a mountain climbing activity. Is it true?”
What does it mean?
A.    She asks for fact                                            C. she gives agreeing
B.     She asks for clarification                                D. she gives information
20.  What is the antonym of the word dangerous?
A.    Risky                                                              C. safe
B.     Easy                                                               D. wild

Read the text to answer questions number 21-25.
How to make a shadow puppet
Thing we need:
Scissors, a pencil, thin sticks, a sticky tape, a thin card, and a bright torch.
How to do:
a.       On a thin card, draw some simple shapes that could be used in puppet plays-funny animals, monsters or spacecrafts.
b.      Cut them out carefully.
c.       Tape each shape to the end of the sticks.
d.      Hold your puppet shape near a wall.
e.       Shine the torch on your puppet, and a large shadow of your character will appear.
f.       Test the puppet. Is the shadow clear?

21.  What is the text about?
A.    How to make a card                                       C. how to make a shadow puppet
B.     How to make shadow                                                D. how to make a puppet
22.  The following are materials we need to do the experiment, except
A.    A tape                                                                        C. a torch
B.     Scissors                                                          D. a thick card
23.  Where do you hold puppet shape?
A.    To the backside of a stick                              C. near a wall
B.     To the end of a stick                                      D. near side of a stick
24.  What should we cut at the beginning step?
A.    Thin card with simple shapes                         C. scissors
B.     Thin sticks                                                      D. a bright torch
25.  What should we do to make the shadow appear?
A.    Draw a simple shape                                      C. hold the puppet near a wall
B.     Shine the torch on the puppet                        D. tape the puppet
The following notice is for question 26 and 27.

26.  What does the notice mean?
A.    We must put our books on the shelves.
B.     We must return the books we have read to the selves.
C.     We must keep the books on the shelves.
D.    We must read the books on the shelves.
27.  Where can we find such a notice?
A.    In a library                                                      C. in a bank
B.     In a laboratory                                                D. in a park
The following notice is for question 28 and 29.


28.  The notice means that we … sit on a bench or touch something because the paint is wet.
A.    Can                                                                 C. mustn’t
B.     Must                                                               D. aren’t
29.  What is the antonym of a word “wet”?
A.    glossy                                                             C. new
B.     Fresh                                                              D. dry
30.  http://www.vectorstock.com/i/composite/80,08/cleaning-girl-vector-878008.jpg                             What is your mother doing?
A.    Moping the floor
B.     Cooking rice
C.     Cleaning the yard
D.    Washing clothes

Read the text to answer question number 31-35.
Do you have any difficulties in keeping concentration while studying or doing your homework? Just try the following tips. The most important thing is removing the distractions. Turn off the TV. Go into another room if people are talking and close the door. If you have a little brother and sister, tell him/her to quit banging on your door. Also, don’t take any phone calls until you are through.
31.  What is the text about?
A.    Tips of keeping concentration                        C. tips of studying
B.     Tips of doing homework                                D. tips of removing distractions
32.  The most important thing is removing …
A.    TV                                                                  C. distractions
B.     Homework                                                     D. door
33.  What should we do to keep our concentration?
A.    Turn on the lamp                                            C. take any phone calls
B.     Open the door                                                            D. turn off the TV
34.  You should tell your brother or sister to …
A.    Go into another room                                     C. quit banging on your door
B.     Remove the distractions                                D. keep concentration
35.  While studying or doing your homework, you should not take phone calls until …
A.    It’s ringing                                                     C. it’s turning on
B.     It’s finished                                                    D. it’s closing the door
This dialog is for questions no. 36 and 37.
Rafi     : Look at the big house!
Vika    : Wow! It’s very beautiful. Whose house is that?
Rafi     : It’s Luna Maya’s house. You know her, don’t you?
Vika    : Do you mean Luna Maya, a famous presenter and a model?
Rafi     : Yeah! You’re right.
36.  Who is Luna Maya?
A.    A famous actress and model                          C. A famous model and presenter
B.     A famous novelist and singer                                    D. A famous singer and presenter
37.  Vika says, “Whose house is that?” what does it mean?
A.    She asks for fact                                            C. She asks for help
B.     She asks for opinion                                       D. She asks for clarification

38.  Leave - room – you - tidy up – the – before
A.    Leave room before the you tidy up.
B.     The room tidy up before you leave.
C.     Tidy up the room before you leave.
D.    Tidy up you before you leave the room.
This text is for questions 39 and 40!
Campfire is the one of the most important night activities in a camping. It is easy to make.
You need natural fuel such as tinder, kindling, firewood and matches.
Steps:  1. Choose the best spot of your fire.
            2. Find the right fuel of your fire.
            3. Arrange the wood in the shape of a teepee over the tinder.
            4. Light the tinder and add kindling as needed.
            5. Add large branches last.
            5. Never leave the fire unattended. It may cause a great fire.

39.  The following are the natural fuel used for making campfire, EXCEPT _____
A.    tinder                                                              C. firewood
B.     kindling                                                          D. plastic
40.  Why should not we leave the campfire unattended?
A.    it may cause destruction.                               C. it may cause the wood dry.
B.     it may cause a great fire.                                D. it may pollute the environment.

☺☺☺ … GOOD LUCK … ☺☺☺

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